Add New User in Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS) and LogIn from PC

Mohammed Waseem
4 min readJun 5, 2023


First, set up your home lab if required👇, unless you already have it.

If you are continuing from the above article, then change the PC's Preferred DNS server to the IP address of the server as shown below.

1. Method One (GUI)

For Windows Server 2019/2022

Under tools select > Active Directory User and Computer

Select the icon to create a new user.

Enter your name upto you

logon name is the name required during login

Enter the password for the user

2. Method Two (CMD)

Didnt Work. Why?. Because Of Password Policy Requirments. And where are they?

net user support1 Support@1234 /domain /add /passwordchg:no /expires:never /logonpasswordchg:no

Worked. Why?. Because if follows Password policy requirements. What was the mistake? The password contained the username, hence we changed it.

Where can I see password policies?

Right Click on default domain > Edit

Go to Password Policy as shown below

Right Click on Password must meet complexity requirements > Properties

Read everything under the “Explain tab” and understand its requirements.

Video Version of the above context

Moving on…………..👇

Registering Your PC to Domain

In Windows PC

Go to setting > System > About

Click advanced system settings

Click Change

Select Domain and enter your domain name

Enter added user in ADDS login details

Message you get on success

Restart PC

Login using same details

